15 Ene
Let's use comics in our lessons!! Let's learn at #Comic_INTEF!!
Today the NOOC “Creating a Comic” starts, a short learning experience in which you are going to learn about the different uses of comics as educational purposes. Comics can offer a wide range of opportunities in our lessons, from just showing a reading to introduce our content to a really powerful assessment tool or a great motivational experience for the student in their learning process.
You may have a look at the main idea of the course through the following video: 

29 Oct
Second edition of our NOOCs in English language!

AprendeINTEF's MOOC and NOOC are a very successful way of improving teachers' digital competence and keeping their career up-to-date in the latest educational innovation. Courses are offered all year long through EnLínea website.

These are the second editions of three NOOCs in English language starting from next week. Registrations are now open: