reading comics

We are half-way on the NOOC ‘Creating a comic’. Along these days some of the participants have started to walk around and they have done two simple tasks in order to focus their attention on the aim and topic of the NOOC.

First of all participants have done a Thinking routine "I used to think ….. But now I think….." about the idea of storytelling and comics at school. Everything was collected at the following padlet: I used to think…… but now I think…..

The other task was to create a story through twitter. Let’s read one of the created comic in the following story: Stories at #Comic_INTEF. You can find more of them by searching for hashtags in Twitter: #story1, #story3.


Tomorrow, Tuesday 20th November, in the evening, we will have our Live Event. It will be a Twitter Chat titled ‘Comic a powerful tool for our lessons’ in which everybody is invited to discuss about different topics such as:

  • Do you consider comics as a Digital Literacy tools?
  • What age do you consider is better for working with comics?
  • In your opinion, are comics a tool only for language subjects?
  • What apps or tools do you know for creating comics?
  • Have you ever tried to use comics with a different use other than reading? Which one was it?

Banner Comic_INTEF

We will begin at  eight o’clock (UTC+1) and will be tweeting for around an hour by using the hashtag of the NOOC #Comic_INTEF. Until that moment you may leave your questions in the different social networks. 
Finally remember that through #Comic_INTEF hashtag you may interact with other participants of the course as well as with the facilitator. You can also join our Facebook group of the NOOC and check the curated contents on the Pinterest Board.
#Comic_INTEF Facilitator